Chelsea believes kids really should have a say on issues that affect them. That’s why she wanted to share these Words of Wisdom with caseworkers working in Child Protection, based on her own experience of interacting with caseworkers.

  1. Please be more patient with us.  I wasn’t really ready to answer your questions, I needed more time.
  2. Ask questions in a way that kids can understand, in kid language, not adult language.  Check with us if we understand your questions.
  3. Slow down.  Don’t rush things.  I couldn’t keep up with your questions.
  4. If you have to ask personal questions, consider asking mum or dad about them.  Get permission from them to ask the questions and then let us know it’s OK for us to answer them.  Or have our mum or dad ask us the question instead, so it’s more comfortable for us.
  5. If you let our mum or dad be present, I could ask her them for clarification, if I didn’t understand a question.  Our parents know us best and how we can best be supported.
  6. Think carefully about where you meet us and how you transport us around.  When the Department picked us up in the car, I didn’t feel safe.  Home can feel like a safer place to talk.  So explain to us why we are getting in the car and where we are going.

If Chelsea’s Words of Wisdom have struck a chord with you, feel free to send us a message. How has reading these Words of Wisdom changed your way of thinking about consulting children?