At the beach there are high tide times and low tide times. One of these is like your happy times and the other your bad times.
There are a few things that help me ride out a low tide day. The weather, the people around me and appreciating the small things. If I look at an object, like a flower, it reminds me of a memory. When I look at the dandelions, it reminds me of my pets because they eat them. When I am in a low tide day, noticing small things can lift me up and reassure me that it’s OK. This brings hope.

The waves of the ocean are like the important people in your life. There are more waves in a high tide. My family notice my low tide day mood and their mood empathises with mine. When it’s a high tide day, they tend to be happy too. You attract happiness by being happy.
There are many beaches having low tides and high tides on the same day. This reminds me I am not alone. Someone somewhere else is having a high tide day, when my tide is low. I remember that they probably had a low tide the day before. A lot of people like having that variation. I imagine it would be tiring, living with that high happy feeling all the time. It’s OK to feel low too and have a break from constant happy energy.
The ocean reminds me to be patient with myself and take one day at a time. Waves come one at a time or overlap one rock at a time. Even though I feel I have no time, I have a lot. You can’t mess around with time or go back and change anything. I have to take my time and move with the tide. The tide doesn’t worry about yesterday or the day before. Just today.
The ocean is a home for lots of animals and life. It reminds me of a home. If I am the tide, then the plants and animals look up to me to provide care and comfort. I’m a home for my sister; she can rely on me to feel comfortable and happy. Mum is a home for my dad. If you think of another beach that you like – a soul mate, a best friend, a pet, or sibling – they are a home for someone too. And you are always someone’s home.
The earth is home for the ocean. This gives our planet a sense of purpose to live. I love the earth and its animals. If I try my best to help out the earth and the ocean, then I will find a home there. If I see a chip packet on the beach and pick it up, this saves the ocean and the animals. The ocean reminds us to keep trying to do our best and give our best.

If you like the high tide, no matter what impacts your life that day, there is always beauty. Even on a low tide day, I still find the ocean beautiful. You might see a different image – perhaps rocks or sand – a break from the water. You can explore more and see more beautiful things. Your focus of attention may be drawn to the rocks, which could be a hobby or a person, you can see is flourishing. It makes you think about them a lot more, instead of worrying about yourself. Maybe you’ll see something you haven’t seen for a while, like notice a different season.
I know there are always going to be waves. The ocean is like the mind. Every now and then something awesome comes up and it’s colourful.
Opportunity to be an Outsider Witness to this story
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- As you read this story, were there any words or phrases that caught your attention? Which ones?
- When you read these words, what pictures came to your mind about the authors hopes for their life and what is important to them (ie. dreams, values and beliefs)? Can you describe that picture?
- Is there something about your own life that helps you connect with this part of the story? Can you share a story from your own experience that shows why this part of the story meant something to you?
- So what does it mean for you now, having read this story? How have you been moved? Where has this experience taken you to?
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