Image: Kelly Ferris
There is a mountain of evidence telling us that 30 minutes a day in nature has enormous benefits for our health and wellbeing. But who has time to find an extra half hour every day to spend outside, right?
Well, if you are SERIOUS about making a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE to your life without it becoming an onorous task, especially if you know nothing about the therapeutic benefits of a ‘green prescription’, then this 30 day challenge is FOR YOU. There are no real rules just very simple invitations for you to take up if you so wish, and if an invitation doesn’t fit for you, there are plenty of other practices you can do instead. Failure is not an option because you choose to participate at a level that suits you.
Here’s how it works. Each day during April, we will issue an invitation to help you (re)connect with the natural world, ignite your senses and induce mindfulness. It will be simple, achievable and above all relaxing. All you need to get started is just 5 minutes a day and accessibility to a green space such as your backyard garden or local park. We will slowly work up to the optimal 30 minutes a day by Day 30, maximising the benefits for your body, mind and spirit.
They say it takes three weeks to develop a new habit. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to incorporate nature connection into your busy day. We guarantee it won’t be another thing to do on your task list. You will want to do it!
And if you’re still not convinced, here are 10 reasons why this challenge is worth taking on.
- Improve your short term memory
- Restore your mental energy
- Relieve stress
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve vision
- Improve your concentration
- Think clearer and more creatively
- Boost immune system
- Improve mental health, reduce anxiety and depression
- Live longer
Using the words of one of my recent nature therapy walk participants, “I would say it is something that needs to be experienced, rather than spoken about.” I will be writing more about the scientific benefits in future blogs, but I can’t wait to hear about your experience and what you notice.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now for the “Nature Connection for Beginners – 30 Day Challenge”. To receive your daily invitation beginning April 1, join our Facebook Event or follow me on Instagram.