Welcome to the Story Archives. We invite you to dig deep into this library, to discover the skills and knowledge that people have about getting through tough times!
Our lives are full of stories. Some of them are problem stories we tell about ourselves or others tell about us. These are the kinds of stories that bring people to therapy. The other stories are the preferred narratives of our lives that are perhaps forgotten along the way or not recognised by others. These are the stories that are a joy to bring to life in narrative therapy.
On this page, you will read stories from people sharing insights into the hardships they have suffered as well as the skills, knowledge, values, hopes and commitments that have got them through. They have given permission to share their story with the intention of making a difference to others who might be going through similar struggles.
As Aunty Barb Wingard says, ‘telling our stories in ways that make us stronger‘ is a passage to healing.

ADHD Stories
‘The Concentration Clinic’
A clued-up 14 year old young man shares his tips for managing ‘Disruptis’ (a.k.a. ADHD).
Child Protection Stories
‘Never, Ever Give Up‘
A mother’s story of resilience and determination in fighting to get her children back.
‘Surviving the Child Protection System’
One parents advice for surviving the roller coaster ride of child protection services.
‘Never Tear Us Apart’ (part 1) and “The Nightmare Before Christmas” (part 2)
One mother shares her fight for justice after traumatic interventions in the child protection and health systems.
Words of Wisdom for Child Protection Caseworkers
Chelsea, 12, has some tips for caseworkers who want to improve their practices in consulting children.
Children’s Stories
Magenta’s Tips For Surviving Bullies
This 9 year old shares her tactics for coping with bullies at school.
‘The Anger Volcano‘
This 7 years old shares his experience of living with a violent dad.
‘My Tricks and Tactics for Making Anxiety Tiny’
This 9 year old Little Miss is keen to help other kids shrink their Anxiety.
‘The Anxiety Rocket’
This smart 7 year old shares Lessons from the Control Desk in Stopping a Launch.
Living with Challenging Emotions
‘Stopping Panic in its Tracks’
An anime hero inspires this 13 year old to take on Anxiety.
‘The Courage to Keep Calm’
Wisdom on riding out the waves of Anxiety, inspired by nature.
‘Numbness and the Battle of Holding onto Something I Care About‘
This teen shares what it takes to stay connected to life when Numbness tries to steal it away.
‘Skills in Managing Manic Energy’
A teenagers reflections on dealing with the extreme highs after deep lows.
‘The Unwelcome Friend’
In this video story, Narelle talks about how she changed her relationship with Anxiety after years of living with her Unwelcome Friend.
Mental Health stories
‘Staying Mentally Strong when your Physical Health is letting you down’
A story of focusing the light on physical health to keep the darkness of Depression at bay.
‘Balancing In The Boat’
A teen author reflects on getting out of the dark messy waters of Depression.
‘They Sucked Me Dry’
A teenagers story about setting boundaries with friends to reclaim mental health.
‘Just Start Moving: Getting out of the Horror Nightmare that is Depression’
This author shares his story in the hope of reducing the stigma of mental health in men and to get men talking.
‘Holding Onto Creativity’ and other colourful reflections
A young artist from the LGBTIQ+ community shares insight into managing Melancholy and Anxiety.
‘Whispers from the Ocean’
Learning to go with the flow, this teenager reflects on what she has learnt about riding out the high tides and low tides of life.
‘Never Tear Us Apart’
A mother shares how she manages the symptoms of Complex PTSD to get on with her life, after the loss of her children.
Refugee and Asylum Seeker Stories
In 2015, we gathered with refugee women over a number of weeks to share and cook favourite recipes and document a collection of ‘Recipes of Life’, based on their wisdom and skills for surviving hard times. Collectively, they also wrote a Recipe for Starting Life in a New Country. This is their Recipe Book.
Surviving Family Separation Stories
“A Gamers Perspective of Family Separation”
It’s all about the tactical moves and maintaining your stamina for this 14 year old.
Surviving Year 12 Stories
“Reflections on the Dangling Carrot”
This teen reflects on how Guilt stole away her mental health during Year 12 and what she would do differently.
“Mapping Your Future”
This teen shares her advice for navigating the unchartered waters of Year 12 when Anxiety tries to sink you.
Trauma Recovery Stories
Recipe of Recovery
An avid cook, this author shares her lived experience of recovery from road trauma using the metaphor of a recipe.
Weight Loss stories
‘Insider Knowledge about Determination’
Thoughts on finding Determination to deal with weight issues from someone who has been there.
Young Carer Stories
‘Love Goes Both Ways’
This teen shares how gratitude helps her get through hard times caring for a parent with mental health issues.