forest bathing1

Everything you Need to know about… Forest Bathing!

What is Forest Bathing?

FB is a nature connection practice inspired by the Japanese where it is called Shinrin Yoku. The Western Culture has also taken the practice and uses the terms forest therapy or nature therapy.

It’s not about getting wet.

The idea is to fully immerse yourself in nature and to bathe your senses.

Put simply it is about taking a slow mindful walk in nature, breathing in the forest air, sitting and observing, and developing an emotional connection to the forest.

It is different from hiking – where the pace is faster and you miss a lot of what is going on around you.  It is also different from a naturist walk – where you might be identifying and naming particular species of fauna or flora.

A forest bathing or nature therapy walk covers less than a kilometre over a 3 hour time frame.  Its aim is to help people slow down and take a break from the stresses of daily life, and to appreciate things that can only be noticed when moving slowly.    Some people describe it like doing meditation or mindfulness in nature.

How do you do it?  What do you actually do?

So my role as a Guide is to open the door for participants, knowing that the forest will provide exactly the kind of medicine they need.  I do this by issuing a series of invitations, that participants can choose to take up if they feel comfortable.  We always start with a guided meditation bringing people’s awareness to all their senses, and finish with a tea ceremony ideally using plants harvested along the trail.  What happens in between, depends on what kind of environment we are in and what else is might be happening around us.

After each invitation, we come together as a group to share our experience, as much as we want to reveal, about what we are noticing within the environment or within ourselves.

We have a saying that the forest is the therapist, the guide just opens the door.  Basically we make it easy for you to drop in to a relaxing and mindful space.

What evidence is there to say that it works?

The Japanese have been studying the effects of forest bathing since the 1980’s when it became a public health initiative, in response to the number of people that were basically working themselves to death.  It was based on the principal that spending time in the forest was beneficial to health.  To prove it, the Japanese ran a number of studies to evaluate the effects of walking in urban environments compared to the forest.

What they discovered was an antimicrobial organic compound called phytonicides that are given off by evergreen trees such as pines and eucalypts.  When you go on a relaxed forest therapy walk breathing in these phytonicides, your blood pressure drops, your cortisol level (or stress hormone) reduces, and heart rate variablilty improves.  Phytoncides, are natural immune boosters which increase the natural kill cells in our body, which have been associated with fighting cancer. 

Other research has shown that being in nature:

  • Reduces depression and anxiety
  • Makes us more calm, focused and creative
  • Improves our mood and sleeping habits
  • Helps us to recover quicker after surgery or illness

In Japan and Korea, doctors now offer ‘green prescriptions’ for their patients to go walking in a Certified Forest Therapy trail.  Other countries such as America are also working towards this in their health system. It’s starting to be talked about slowly in Australia but we are a long way off adopting this as a ‘go to’ prescription for mental health.

Why do we need forest bathing?

1.  It’s part of our true nature

Our species evolved in forests. We spent the first several million years of our existence in them. Then we invented cities. Suddenly, while our genes are still optimized for the forest, our bodies live in the busy, stressful conditions of modern civilization. 

Richard Louv has also used the term nature deficit disorder to describe the problem of children spending much less time in nature based outdoor activity, which is having a detrimental impact on their development.

2.  Our own health and wellbeing

We have rates of mental health problems that are out of control.  Over 50% of people are stressed at work.  And 1 in 5 of us will go on to experience a mental illness.  Many physical illnesses and disease can also be linked to stress as an underlying cause.

There is lots of scientific evidence to show that being in nature lowers stress levels and boosts immunity to fight infection and disease.

3. To address the Global climate problem

Humans have become so separate from nature that there has been little regard to how we treat the earth.  I believe that if we are more closely connected to the natural world, we are more likely to want to care for and protect it.

So rebuilding our intimate connection to the forest again, will ultimately lead to the healing of the planet and of course, our own health too.

Why go with a guide?  Why not on your own?

Some people find it really hard to slow down and they need someone to show them the way.  Just like yoga, meditation or working out, Shinrin Yoku is a practice, that a Guide can help you develop and integrate into your everyday experience. 

I guess one way of looking at it is… you could ask your partner for a massage, but if you want a really good massage from a trained, experienced person, then you go to a massage therapist.

In saying that, I am all for, more people getting out in nature more often.  If people would like some ideas on how to incorporate nature connection in their life every day, I encourage them to get in touch.  Subscribe to my newsletter and I will send you a free e-book of Nature Therapy invitations you can use on your own private forest bathing experience.

Where can I try it?

From time to time I offer public Nature Therapy walks or you can book a private walk with a group of friends, work colleagues or an intimate experience with your partner. I also offer forest bathing as a Corporate Wellbeing experience for small teams who want to promote health and wellbeing in their workplace.

Get out in nature.  It not only feels intuitively good for you.  But science says it’s so. 

tree planting with reforest now

We’ve planted 147 trees this year, but is it enough?

If sustainability is a core value of yours, like it is for me, I wonder if you get to this time of year and think ‘what difference have I made in the world?’ 

Sometimes it’s difficult to quantify the little actions you may have taken to make the world a better place – those small conversations you had with someone who was feeling down, those little bits of plastic you picked up off the beach or the times you chose to walk, ride a bike or carpool instead of using your car.

I’ve been listening to ‘Wild’, Sarah Wilson’s podcast, for a while now and there is always something thought provoking in its content.  One of the strongest themes I’ve picked up in her interviews and newsletters is the idea of not letting the big fossil fuel companies off the hook for the damage they have caused the planet; and not falling for their propaganda that we, as consumers, are the problem and therefore every one of us should work harder to lower our carbon footprint. 

This is a difficult issue to wrestle with.  On one hand I do feel that my small daily actions can make a big difference.  When they go alongside other individuals taking actions too, big changes are achievable.  And let’s face it, big change is needed if we’re going to get through the climate crisis.  Yet, the individual carbon footprint argument has been pushed hard on us; this can feel like a lot of pressure and contribute to guilt and shame if you don’t do the right thing. 

It’s complicated.  But the reality is that the fossil fuel companies have been pushing their agenda for a long time, and they don’t have ours or the planet’s interests at heart.  Seth Godin goes so far as to argue that we should ditch the small activism and target the bigger players.  Did you know that one hour of using a gas-powered leaf blower is equivalent to driving your car over 4800 kilometres?  In Godin’s town, it took just 20 people putting pressure on council to have leaf blowers banned.  Anyway, I encourage you to check out his ‘outside the box’ ideas in this interview with Sarah.

Some of the trees we’ve helped plant this year. Photo: Reforest Now

I know that I am guilty of putting more effort into individual action than lobbying governments about bigger impact policy change.  Here’s a good example that supports Godin’s argument.  One of the new things I started in 2022 was funding tree planting by Reforest Now, to regenerate the ‘big scrub’ in Northern NSW.  We have been donating $1 from each counselling session to the project and so our total donation of $734 is equivalent to an extra 147 rainforest trees planted.  Yes, it’s a tiny contribution on the scale of things, but that feels like a reasonable carbon offset for little old me.  And if we all did that, it would make a difference, right?  Only problem is there is only so many trees we can plant.  We also need to stop cutting down the forests we already have, stop pulling fossil fuels out of the ground and regenerate our depleted soils, if humans are to come off the ‘heading for extension’ list.  That requires collective effort and protest.  If you need further inspiration, check out the documentary, ‘Franklin’.

By all means, don’t stop what you’re doing.  I’m not going to stop funding tree planting.  The actions you’re taking right now do inspire and encourage others.  But my challenge to you is to think about how you can get involved politically, to take things to the next level?  It’s something I need to also do if I am going to live out the values of a truly sustainable life.


Sarah Wilson’s ‘Wild’ podcast
Reforest Now


Healing Herbs for Mental Health (part 2)

This is the second blog in a series exploring natural alternatives to reduce stress and manage mild to moderate mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and ADHD symptoms. If you haven’t read part one in this series, then I suggest you start there first.

Lemon Balm (melissa officinalis)

With its long history in Greek medicine, lemon balm was affectionately referred to as an elixir of life, for its reputation for prolonging one’s life.  Greek physicians encouraged drinking lemon balm to make the heart merry, revive spirits and do away with melancholy.  In 1696 the London Dispensary stated the balm steeped in wine would reverse aging and “relieve languishing”.  The Arabs also talked about its calming and healing properties for steadying nerves and a remedy for heart palpitations.  Perhaps they were onto something, as more recent studies in patients with chronic stable angina demonstrated decreases in depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders after taking lemon balm supplements.  There are also good, published results for women experiencing the post-partum blues after caesarean births.  The oil in lemon balm has a sedative effect which reduces tension and stress.  There are anecdotal reports of many a student benefiting from the herbal tea, just prior to sitting exams, to calm the butterflies, clear their head and sharpen the memory.  Lemon balm tea is safe for all ages – even an unsettled baby to help with sleep.

Affectionately known as ‘melissa’ in some countries, lemon balm is a good companion plant in the garden.  Some people plant it near their beehive to settle bees into their new home and prevent swarming.  Lemon balm will grow in sun or shade, and it won’t take over like its mint cousin.  Propagate it by cutting, root division or seed.

Make a tea with one heaped teaspoon of chopped, fresh leaves in a cup of boiling water, 2-3 times a day.  It’s also a lovely refreshing drink, when chilled, or makes a nice addition to fresh fruit salad.  It can also be added to the bath for a relaxing body soak.

Lemon balm should not be consumed if taking thyroid hormones.

Hops (humulus lupus)

Hops is a member of the Cannabaceae (marijuana) family.  Native Americans were some of the first to discover the sedative effects of hops, back in the 9th century.  In 16th Century Europe, hops were widely used as a herbal tonic that offered calming, sedative, and sleep-promoting properties, not just as an ingredient to prevent beer spoiling.  The Chinese started using hops to treat insomnia, restlessness and nervous tension in the 19th Century.  In 2017, a study of healthy young adults experiencing mild anxiety and depression were treated with hop extract for one month, demonstrating significant reductions in symptoms.  Whilst a few studies suggest hops has the ability to treat anxiety and mood disorders, more research is needed to confirm these effects.  Anecdotally and historically, hops calm the central nervous system and relaxes muscles, soothing worries and tension. 

The vine from hops will very quickly cover a pergola or trellis.  It requires a rich soil and warm sunny position in the garden.  In subtropical gardens, the plant appreciates afternoon shade.  Propagation is by seed, cuttings or root divisions with buds.  Female plants are preferable to produce an abundance of the strobiles, the cone-shaped fruit used in making the medicinal tonic, however male plants are needed if you wish to collect seed.

Dried or fresh hops can be used with vodka or another flavourless alcohol to make a tincture which will keep for many months.  Hops can also be used to make a tea or stuff a pillow along with other more pleasant-smelling herbs, to put beside your head at night to aid sleep. 

If you have a history of trauma its best to avoid hops to begin with and use an alternative nervine such as skullcap or blue vervain, until you are well into your healing journey.  There are no known side effects or contraindications for using hops, however, always consult your doctor if introducing it to your treatment plan.

Scullcap (scutellaria lateriflora)

Lateriflora and Baicalensis are the two most common varieties of skullcap from the mint family.  Lateriflora derives from native American soil and basicalensis is a traditional Chinese herb.  Although related, they treat very different ailments.

Traditionally American scullcap was used as an emmenagogue by Indian elders, to bring on the menstrual cycle of young girls.  In the 19th and early 20th centuries, physicians used it as a nervine to treat anxiety caused by physical health issues, mental exhaustion and heart disorders.  In the last few centuries, lateriflora has also been used to assist people experiencing mild depression, insomnia and to improve mood.  Research appears to support the hypothesis that skullcap stimulates gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that helps calm nervous, thereby positively impacting mood and reducing anxiety.  In this way, it works similar to many anti-anxiety medications.

Herbalists often turn to scullcap as a good all-round ‘nerve food’ for its ability to reduce nervous tension and regenerate the central nervous system during periods of stress.  For those times in our lives when it’s not logistically possible to reduce some of the sources of stress, skullcap can be the perfect daily tonic.

Propagation is by seed, cuttings or root division.  Plant in a sunny, well-draining soil or if you would prefer the plant doesn’t take over your garden then keep in a pot.  Harvest the leaves and flowers once it is in full bloom.  It will die back in winter and resurge in Spring.

The ideal dose is 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb steeped in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, 3 times a day.  It is quite bitter, so you may want to add honey or other herbs like mint to improve the tea flavour.  Best to start on a low dose and build up slowly.  It also has immediate therapeutic effects that can make you sleepy.

Scullcap is a relaxant and sedative that can trigger side effects such as drowsiness, confusion and irregular heartbeat, so consult your GP before taking this herb.  Scullcap is known to interact with some medications.  Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it altogether.  Large doses and long-term use are associated with liver damage.

Vervain (verbena officinalis)

Vervain is such an amazing healing herb that has been used in folk medicine to treat a whole range of different ailments.  Legend has it that after the body of Jesus was removed from the cross, vervain growing nearby was pressed onto the wounds.  Military physicians during the French revolution used it extensively for pain and wound management. During the Middle Ages, it was used for numerous skin and hair ailments.  Since then, the list of applications for physical health has grown exponentially.  In more recent times, the focus has also been on mental health benefits.

Like other nervines, vervain has been shown to strengthen the nervous system by reducing stress, tension and anxiety, promoting feelings of calm and relaxation.  It has natural tranquilising effects for those suffering from restlessness, irritation and insomnia.  Giving our body the opportunity to ‘rest and digest’ during our stressful busy lives is critical, so our nervous system experiences calm and our hormones are balanced.  Vervain has also been used extensively with those experiencing depression, low nervous energy and lack of motivation, due to its energy boosting and tonic properties. 

Vervain has attractive white to purplish flowers appearing in late Spring and Summer.  Propagation is by seed, root division or cutting.  Plant in full sun in well-draining soil.  It is frost resistant but does not cope with drought.

Make a tea of ½-1 teaspoon of dried or 3 teaspoons of fresh herb in a cup of water, for 10-15 minutes.  It is quite bitter, so you may like to add honey or lemon to mask the flavour.  Drink up to 3 cups a day.

Vervain used in excess may cause nausea and vomiting.  It can interfere with hormone therapy and blood pressure medication.  Pregnant women should avoid it, due to its association with uterine contractions.

Gotu kola (centella asiatic)

Like lemon balm, gota kola also has a centuries old history of being the ‘elixir of life’, increasing brain capacity and promoting longevity.  However, lots of people now say, ‘eating a few leaves a day, keep arthritis away’. In Ancient China it was the key ingredient in their ‘fountain of youth’ elixir.  The Chinese herbalist, Professor Li Chung Yun who lived to 256 years old proclaimed amongst various tips for a long stress-free life to include daily consumption of gotu kola and ginseng.  In Ayurvedic medicine, gotu kola is valued for boosting nerve and brain cell function, promoting calmness and mental clarity, and improving poor memory and concentration.  In the early 1930’s, biochemical studies proved gotu kola was influencing the replacement of biogenic amines, the brain neurotransmitters involved in learning, memory, attention and concentration.  More recent research has shown gotu kola can relieve symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactive conditions such as ADHD.

A 2016 study on mice demonstrated gotu kola reduced anxiety induced behaviour, and that same year a small study on humans showed the herb reduced stress, anxiety and depression after 60 days.  However, more research is needed.

Gotu kola is a ground cover and can be easily mistaken for pennywort or native violet.  Propagation is by root division of the plant or seed.  Gotu kola thrives in tropical and subtropical climates.  If growing in more temperate regions, put in a large pot or Styrofoam box so you can shift it into a warm position in winter, and out of frosts.  Fertilize regularly for the best growth.

Just like Professor Li, it’s best to make taking gotu kola a daily habit.  Start with just one or two leaves in the morning and work up to 4-6 leaves a day.  You can pick straight from the garden and chew it or chop and add it to food.  The herb can also be dried and used as a tea; however, this is one herb where fresh is best.  You may be tempted to take more to achieve more effects, however this is not advised.  Some serious side effects have been anecdotally reported. Gotu kola is not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Whilst this article has outlined some of the medicinal herbs that can support your own mental health, make sure you do your own research. This can include spending some time with the plants you are considering.  What are you noticing as you sit with them?  Does it feel in your gut it is the right thing to try?  You should always listen to what your body is telling you.  If you are not sure, then find out more information.  One of those people you should always consult before taking any herb is your healthcare practitioner, especially if you suffer from an existing medical condition or are on medication, to ensure there are no contraindications and to monitor any potential side effects.

Happy healing herb growing!


‘How Can I use Herbs in my Daily Life?’ by Isabel Shipard
The Botanical Institute
The Lost Herbs
Restorative Medicine

Yintarini farm 2

A Changing Story

Five years ago, I moved to the Nambucca Valla with a dream.

My vision was to establish a healing place in the bush, guided by the ethics of permaculture – People Care, Fair Share and Earth Care.  I envisioned this as a temporary place for women to stay who were in life transitions, with a history of domestic violence or homelessness, offering an opportunity to get back on their feet and heal from their trauma experience.  A place to access on-site counselling and eco-therapies to nurture mind and spirit, and access organic food to nourish the body. 

Me with Tiwi Elders, Alberta Puruntatameri and Elaine Tiparui

My vision was informed by over a decade working in remote Aboriginal communities of the Northern Territory.  I was inspired by the spiritual knowledge of Tiwi Elders who showed me that ‘going bush is the best medicine’ for healing.  I had worked alongside Elders, in addressing the effects of intergenerational trauma including family violence, child abuse and neglect.   I came to appreciate the power of narrative therapy using metaphors to help people tell their stories in ways that made them stronger and connecting with the land as a form of ‘eco-therapy’. 

I was drawn to finding a property from which to offer my therapeutic services in the valley around Bowraville.  However, the right place never came along in those first few years and then shortly after that, we were priced out of the market.

It became obvious that my vision wouldn’t come to fruition in the Valley.  This came with much disappointment and sadness.

After losing both my parents in the last three years and some other challenging issues in my extended family, I started to feel the pull back to my ‘homelands’ where I grew up on Gunaikurnai country. 

In mid-2022, my husband and I laid eyes on a 50 acre farm close to Seaspray, a beach that has always held a special place in my heart for fond childhood holiday memories and where I later met my husband.  When we stepped foot on that country, it felt ‘right’, like coming home.  I realised I was coming full circle.

I could see my vision unfolding here, with opportunities for my clients to engage in nature-based counselling, and other initiatives.  I am also keen to use my passion and skills for permaculture and regenerative agriculture, in a way that cares for the planet as well as people.  Being a climate-conscious practitioner has become an integral part of my practice.

So we bought the property.  Yintarini Farm will be so-named in honour of my Tiwi mentor, Elaine Tiparui who was instrumental in the development of my eco-social work therapeutic practice.

It’s mid-November. And we have now moved to Yintarini Farm, Seaspray. It’s here I will continue to operate my mental health private practice, offering counselling and eco-therapy on-country and as well as our outreach service which has been so-deeply valued.

You can continue to follow the journey of …metaphorically speaking on Facebook at Yintarini Farm.


What does it mean to be a climate-conscious practitioner?

In the same way that I developed a passion for Indigenous social work and working with the most marginalised, I have also made the commitment to become a climate-conscious social worker.  But what does that mean exactly?  Well, here goes.

For me, it means acknowledging the climate emergency, that it is a human made problem and that there is a real urgency to address it.  It means knowing just enough about the climate science to be informed, but limiting my intake of climate news so that it does not lead me down a black hole of despair.  It means filling my awareness with good news environmental stories too, of which there are plenty.

It means recognising both the experience-near and distance effects of climate change, and that it impacts all of us.  One does not need to have lost their home, possessions or loved ones through a flood or fire to be feeling deeply the effects.

It means I acknowledge that uncertainty over the future of the planet is a contributing factor to the rapidly rising rates of anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.  I recognise the need to move away from individual therapy to more collaborative models that bring people together in community.  I believe linking the lives of people through sharing stories and experiences reduces isolation, builds resilience and fosters hope. 

It means being aware that the climate-concerns clients raise with me and the emotions they are experiencing are real, and deeply felt by me too.  It means I listen actively and respectfully to their pain for the world, making space for people to explore their despair, fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and other feelings.  And allowing myself to sit with the discomfort too.

It means I do not label people with a disorder.  Eco-anxiety is not something to be cured or fixed.  Climate distress is a very healthy emotional response, as a sign of sensitivity, empathy and love for our beautiful planet.  It speaks to the values and beliefs that are important to people. 

It means acknowledging the role that Indigenous peoples played in caring for the environment before colonisation and industrialisation (and continue to do so).  It is awareness of the links between climate change and global inequality and recognising that institutional racism, injustice and economic inequality are root causes.  It is those that have been exploited and contributed the least to the problem that are now suffering the most.

It means bringing people back into relationship with the more-than-human world.  It is the loss of our connection with nature that has got us into this mess.  And so my belief is that one step towards climate healing is coming back to nature.  When we have re-established our relationship with Mother Nature, then we are more like to care for her, look out for her, respect her.

It means helping people to find ‘active hope’, that is, moving beyond paralysing feelings of helplessness to taking action.  It is only after exploring and accepting our feelings, that we can take action in a conscious and grounded way.  Whether you decide to fly less and holiday near home or become an environmentalist, it is all valued.   

It means holding my counselling sessions and groupwork in the outdoors wherever possible.  There is a wealth of scientific knowledge that nature is good for our health and wellbeing and so holding my consultations outdoors is already working magic on people before they open their mouth to speak.

It means that I actively maintain my own healthy relationship with the more-than-human world.  I walk the talk.  I do everything that I invite my clients to do.  Spending time sitting in quiet contemplation, practicing mindfulness, finding ways of tending to nature like picking up rubbish or joining Landcare.

It means I live as lightly as possible on the earth.  It is accepting the reality that I am contributing to the release of green houses gases every time I leave the house but not letting guilt or shame talk me into becoming immobilised.  It is about taking any small actions I can, because it does make a difference.

It means that I actively support causes which are addressing climate change.  I attend Climate Change marches and events where possible.  I donate $1 from each counselling session I provide to ReForest Now, a non-profit planting trees and regenerating rainforest in NSW. 

It means I am committed to ongoing professional development in the area of climate-conscious practice.  I am a full member and Climate Aware Practitioner with Psychology For a Safe Climate.

If it is a climate-conscious mental health practitioner you are looking for, then let’s chat.

stories matter

Facing the Climate Crisis: What’s Your Story?

As many of you know, I am all about story.

At the heart of narrative therapy is listening to the problem stories of people’s lives.

Right now, I am hearing stories of young people being crippled by eco-anxiety, feeling despair at the future that unfolds for themselves and future generations.  I am hearing stories of despair and sadness at the unfolding crisis on our planet and frustration through lack of climate action by our leaders.  I am hearing stories of the sense of powerless people feel over the melting ice-caps, the loss of biodiversity and the extinction of species. 

According to Joanna Macy, we are now seeing and understanding what is happening in the world through the lens of three main stories or versions of reality.  The Business As Usual story is the one that has people living the way they always have, with economic growth and getting ahead as its goal.  The story of the Great Unraveling acknowledges the disastrous consequences of living by the Business as Usual story, through the collapse of biological, ecological, economic and social systems.  The Great Turning is the story being created by those who recognise the Great Unravelling and are rising to create a different future for our planet.  Joanne argues that there is truth in all these stories.  They are all happening right now.  And we can choose where we put our attention.

While the ‘doom and gloom’ problem story is getting lots of airplay, as a narrative therapist, I am also interested in shining the light on the alternative story.  For it is in feeling despair and sorrow for the planet, that we can speak about our preferences for living. It is in losing hope that we can speak to the kind of future that we wish for.  It is in feeling the pain that we can speak about the values that are so precious to us. 

In 2020, my goal is to uncover the alternative stories of people’s lives around the climate crisis, unearthing the ways they are surviving and thriving, living out their true values and taking action.  The intention in collecting and publishing these stories is to give richer attention to the Great Unravelling that is happening across our communities.  Perhaps these stories will bring back hope to someone who has lost theirs and cannot pull themselves up out of the pit of depression or anxiety.

I am looking for people just like you to share your story.  I would love to speak with you about your relationship with the planet, how you are standing strong in the face of uncertain times and explore opportunities for developing superpowers for future actions. 

Just to be clear, you do not have to have a big story, you may not feel you are changing the world or even coping all that well with the climate crisis.  I envisage that my reflective interview questions will be a therapeutic and healing process for you, as we give voice to the downs and unearth the ups together.

If you are interested in participating, please get in touch and I will send you some questions inviting your written response, to become part of a narrative collective document on Facing the Climate Crisis Together.

forest bathing

3 Reasons Why You Should Go Forest Bathing

First of all, you might be wondering what exactly is forest bathing?

Forest bathing is a nature connection practice inspired by the Japanese where it is called Shinrin Yoku.

It’s not about getting wet.

The idea is to fully immerse yourself in nature and to bathe all your senses (more than 12 of them!).

Put simply, it is about taking a slow mindful walk in nature, breathing in the forest air, sitting and observing, and developing an emotional connection to the forest.  It is different from hiking, where the pace is faster and you miss a lot of what is going on around you.  It is also different from a naturist walk, where you might be identifying and naming species of fauna or flora.

A Forest Bathing walk covers less than a kilometre usually over two or three hours.  Its aim is to help you slow down and take a break from the stresses of daily life, and to appreciate things that can only be noticed when moving slowly.    Some people describe it like doing meditation or mindfulness in nature.

So now that we know what it is.  Why on earth would we want to do it?

1.  Forest Bathing is Part of Our True Nature

Humans evolved out of forests.   Our species spent millions years of in development within these ecosystems.  Then our world experienced rapid industrialisation and we moved into cities.  While genetically our bodies are optimized for the forest, we are now trying to survive in the busy, stressful conditions of modern civilization.

Our separation has caused what Richard Louv terms, ‘nature deficit disorder’.  He argues that our children are spending so much less time outdoors than previous generations, it is having a detrimental impact on their development.

Rather than seeing ourselves as separate from nature, we must remember, we are nature.

2.  Forest Bathing Promotes our Health and Wellbeing

In the Western world, rates of mental health problems are out of control.  Over 50% of people are stressed at work.  In Australia, 1 in 5 of us will go on to experience a mental illness.  Many physical illnesses and disease can also be linked to stress as an underlying cause.

The Japanese have been studying the effects of forest bathing since the 1980’s.  What they discovered was an antimicrobial organic compound called phytonicides that are given off by evergreen trees such as pines and eucalypts.  When you breathe in phytonicides, your blood pressure drops, your cortisol level (or stress hormone) reduces and heart rate variablilty improves.  Phytoncides are immune boosters which increase the natural killer cells in our body, associated with fighting cancer.

Other research has shown that being in nature:

3.  Forest Bathing Addresses Climate Change

I know, it’s a big call.  But I firmly believe that if we are more closely connected to Mother Nature, we are more likely to want to care for and protect it.  Ours is a reciprocal relationship.  When the earth is sick, so are we (see point 2).  We need healing and so does our earth.

Humans have become so separate from nature that there has been little regard to how we treat the earth.  It has been seen as a collection of resources to be exploited for our benefit.  On a guided forest bathing walk, there is particular attention paid to the practice of reciprocity.  In supporting the development of human-nature relationships, we foster the role of humans as givers, as well as receivers.

People who engage regularly in forest bathing practices, tend to spontaneously find themselves engaging in place tending on a personal level or want to get involved in environmental activism at a macro level.

So rebuilding our intimate connection to the forest again, will ultimately lead to the healing of the planet and of course, our own health too.

If one or more of these reasons has inspired you to try forest bathing, then feel free to join the Japanese where is it called “Shinrin-yoku” (森林浴), the Germans practising “Waldtherapie”, the Koreans engaging in “Sanlimyok (산림욕)” and of course, the Australians, Americans and Europeans, where we use the terms “nature and forest therapy”.

If you are in the Central Gippsland region, you can join me on your very own private Nature therapy walk.  Or you can find other Certified guides in Australia here and elsewhere in the world here.

Happy Forest Bathing!

Image: Bernard K Edwards

‘The Earth is our Master Teacher’ with Bernard Kelly-Edwards

This week on ‘Talk the Walk’ I sit down with Bernard Kelly-Edwards in the middle of his tiny art shop in the thriving alternative community of Bellingen.   Bernard is surrounded by paintings, expressions of who he is, a local Gumbayngirr man, and symbols of the deep spiritual connection to country that he shares with others.

Bernard began his own journey of self-discovery attending a cultural program called Red Dust Healing and now reaches out to other individuals and groups to support Closing the Gap in cultural understanding.   It is his passion for promoting mental health amongst Indigenous young people using the healing capacity of Miimga (Mother Earth) that is the focus of our conversation today.

His business, BKE Consultancy is a unique mix of multi-media platforms of art, photography, short film, poetry and storytelling.  Bernard brings all these talents, along with skills of deep listening and knowledge of Aboriginal Lore, recognising sight and the feeling of cultural sites, passed down to him.

A few times in this conversation, Bernard speaks of the spirit being, the one with no mouth.  He is describing the image in the painting, he is seen holding here.

This is what we explore in Episode 22 of ‘Talk the Walk’:

  • Bernard’s approach to ‘counselling’ using the tools he has found most effective from his own experience and gifts from Mother Earth
  • What deep listening really looks and feels like, for our own and others’ health and wellbeing
  • Easy practices you can try at home to develop your spiritual connection with Mother Earth and your self
  • The elements of life such as water, animals and wind that make communication and connection possible
  • Lessons for how we are living our lives, from the Earth’s perspective
  • Awareness – Balance – and Integration; Bernard’s 3 step strategy for healing of the planet beginning at home
  • How Bernard uses the concept of perceptual positions to assist individuals to take responsibility in their own healing process
  • Making deadly choices and being in the present moment, using the model of awareness, balance and integration
  • How Bernard works with the triggering emotions of individual’s past traumatic experiences to change belief systems and move people forward
  • Bernard’s sparkling moment – a good news story of healing
  • Bernard’s painting and it’s interpretation of his own spiritual form

Image: Bernard K Edwards

To listen to this episode simply click on the Play button below or listen via the Stitcher App for iOS, Android, Nook and iPad.
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Don’t forget, if you or someone you know would make a great interview on ‘Talk the Walk’, send us an email from the Contact Page.

We apologise for some of the human-made background noise at the beginning of this interview.   That’s what happens when you are talking with real people on the job in the heart of their community.   Sometimes you just have to go with it.   Enjoy!

Things to follow up after the episode:

Connect with Bernard K Edwards on Facebook

Connect with BKE Consultancy on Facebook

Contact Bernard by email at bkeconsultancy79(at)hotmail(dot)com


…metaphorically speaking: Looking back, moving forward and just being present!

A new year is a good opportunity to reflect on the time that has come to pass, as well as set intentions for the future.  But there is something to be said about just appreciating the present moment too.

I find myself in a new garden of Eden, set in the Nambucca Valley on the upper mid north coast of New South Wales.   The sound of laughing kookaburras echo and the scent of a flowering lemon myrtle wafts over the gentle trickle of Nambucca Creek, winding its way through my backyard.  Sweaty tropical wet season days have been replaced with warm, summer days and gentle cooling breezes.  I feel my body slowly relaxing into this fresh environment, as culture shock gently subsides and the known but unfamiliar becomes engrained in daily life.
Yes, I have physically relocated.   And things are moving for ….metaphorically speaking.

To reflect on the years that have come to pass, I’m reminded of the immense privilege of working in the Northern Territory, the relationships I’ve built that will stand the test of time, a mind-full re-connection to the earth and respect for the oldest culture in the world.   My suitcase is full of rich stories, heart-filled memories, learnings and gratitude.  2017 was the year of completion and a sense of accomplishment; seeing out the initial trial of the Healing Our Children project on the Tiwi Islands, Palmerston and Katherine; launching my ‘Talk the Walk’ podcast; and of course, self-publishing my first children’s therapeutic picture book was a thrilling highlight.

As for new intentions (as I don’t do resolutions) well, there is some exciting opportunities on the horizon.  In March I will graduate with a Certificate in Nature and Forest Therapy.  I am not sure how the practice of forest bathing will look in the Nambucca Valley yet, but I am buoyed by the hope of working alongside First Nations people in exploring possibilities for nature-connected eco-tourism.  Nature therapy will also offer an alternative path to health and wellbeing, recovery from painful loss and hope for those who struggle in daily life to find meaning in this stressful world.

As I write, our family is seeking to find a permanent place to set up home in the hills, nestled amongst protected state forest and freshwater springs.  We long to grow our own food, foster regenerative land-care practices, learn to live more simply, and deepen our own spiritual connection with this place.  We yearn to share our vision with others, in the short term offering a two-way, shared learning space for co-creating and workshopping, and in the longer term a healing sanctuary and affordable retreat accommodation in a bush location.  I have no idea what this actually looks like; we trust that our vision for the regeneration of self and planet will grow organically, working with rather than against nature’s patterns and rhythms.

And so it is with a renewed sense of hope for humanity and the planet, that I embark on 2018.  While that might seem like a lot of change in the wind, for my subscribers to the blog and podcast most things will stay the same.  You will still be able to access my learnings on the journey in Indigenous social work practice as well as weekly podcast episodes of others’ experiences in social work with First Nation Australians.  As we move forward, you may find I do more blogging about the integration of ecopsychology, ecotherapies and Indigenous ways of knowing and healing ourselves and the planet.

My hope for this space in 2018 is to ramp up the conversation, amplify the connections between us, and share the great work that is happening around Australia.  If you’re engaging in Indigenous social work practice (or even just attempting to ‘walk the talk’), you have a story that others need to hear.   Please join in.  Send me an email and introduce yourself, comment on the Facebook Page,  follow us on Instagram, volunteer to be a guest blogger or nominate someone for a podcast interview.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of packing up and moving, my podcast recording equipment is now sitting in a storage warehouse in Brisbane.  A small oversight on my part which I hope won’t affect broadcasting too much in the coming months.  I have three episodes waiting in the wings and will bring these to you each Wednesday starting next week.

In signing off, I’d like to acknowledge the hurt and sadness that exists on this day around Australia amongst our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.  While many see January 26 as a day to celebrate, the rest of us mourn.  I support #changethedate to recognise this painful history and to choose a more suitable date to celebrate what it means to be Australian.

May you be calm and keep on walking.



‘Nature’s cure for all our ills’

Have you ever wondered what nature could offer you and your clients… especially those that are affected by chronic stress, mental health issues, physical pain, despair and heartache?

I have just completed an initial week’s training intensive to become a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide.  I can attest to both the physical and mental health benefits that being in nature offers.   I had a heightened awareness that back and groin pain which has been niggling me for 12 months suddenly disappeared.   I noticed that stress that I had been carrying in my jaw and neck from my fast-paced, outcomes driven, work life floated away with the clouds that passed overhead.   I was connecting and communicating with beings from the more-than-human world in an intimate way, that I had never felt before.  I also discovered a tall tree overlooking a valley held a message of hope for my heart despairing at the state of our planet.  It was freeing for my mind, body and soul.  But don’t just take my word for it.

There is a lot of emerging evidence about the health effects of being in the forest.  Scientific research on the practice of Shinrin Yoku (or forest bathing) in Japan has found that simply being in the wilderness can increase immune function, reduce blood pressure, reduce stress, improve mood, increase focus and concentration, improve rates of recovery from surgery and illness, increase energy and improve sleep.

How is that so?  Well, the same compound that trees emit to protect themselves from germs and pests is the same essential oil that improves our immune system.  They are called phytoncides and they produce cancer-fighting natural killer cells in our body.

Guides-in-training and members of the public experience the ‘Pleasures of Presence’ on a Forest Therapy walk in the Redwoods of the Yarra Ranges (Sept 2017).   Photo: Jana Norman.

We always knew that being in nature felt good, didn’t we?   Now there is real evidence to prove that living a fast, active, technology dominant lifestyle is counterproductive and could potentially promote chronic physical and mental illness.  People on regular forest therapy walks are also reporting feeling happier, developing deeper more meaningful relationships, feeling more connected with the land and its species, having more energy and developing a more attuned intuition.

It seems as though the Western world, is just catching up to what Indigenous peoples have always known.  During my time on the Tiwi Islands, as both a drug and alcohol counsellor and children’s counsellor, Elders and other strong women repeatedly spoke about ‘going out bush’ as the best remedy for ‘wrong thinking’ and wayward behaviour.  Within my capacity and resources, I drew on the knowledge of these wiser ones to host healing camps out bush with families who were going through hard times and to reconnect children who were going off the rails with a traditional healing ceremony on country (or if that was not possible at least use the metaphors of the natural world in our therapeutic conversations).

What can ‘walking on country’ practised for thousands of years by Aboriginal people do for our health and wellbeing?

In Forest Therapy, the medicine we need is waiting to be discovered in nature and it is up to the client to do the hard work of discovering what the forest is telling them.  The Guide simply opens the door for people by offering them mindful invitations, being open to listening to the messages of support, encouragement, healing or survival that are communicated by all living things.  This concept sounds very familiar too, observed in the way Aboriginal women demonstrate their spiritual connection to the land.  I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night by the barking owl to be advised that (insert name) must have passed away.  I’ve been out hunting when a branch has fallen from a tree, a sign from the ancestors that there is a possum there to be caught for dinner.  I’ve watched women scouting the bush for ‘just the right vine’ which will yield a big, long, fat yam two feet underground, left wondering how do they know, when all vines look the same?  And I’ve heard numerous stories of miracle cures for persistent ailments using bush medicine, where modern medicine has failed.  The knowledge for living a good and healthy life is right there on country, if we are in tune.

Unfortunately, the government policies of today are forcing Aboriginal people off their country and into the towns to be closer to services, and along with this, alcohol, drugs, unhealthy food options and other social issues like overcrowding and domestic violence.  We are seeing the health effects of this lifestyle for Aboriginal people and it’s not good.

As a social worker, this has got me thinking seriously about nature as a form of intervention for people who come to us for help.  The forest provides healing in gentle and profound ways, that we as humans cannot.  It requires a step away from evidence-based talk therapies from Western culture towards intuitive traditional healing practices and spiritual connections to nature that have been used for thousands of years.

If we don’t believe the anecdotal evidence from Aboriginal people about the positive health effects of being connected to country, then we can at least take notice of the emerging evidence from shinrin yoku practices in Japan.
Nature has something for everyone.  Even those of us whose heart is aching for the destruction of nature itself.